Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Updates & Week 8.17 - 8.21

Hello Parents and Families!

This past week the kids were very busy and working hard as we finished learning about families and our pets as family unit!

The kids were very focused on sorting and classifying differnt types of pets this week; we sorted and grouped cats vs. cat toys and discussed living and non-living items.  We practiced our primary colors by cutting and sorting dogs/puppies into their homes by color, and we practiced graphing and grouping different types of pets. We continued to practice counting using 1:1 correspondance playing with chips and dice to recognize numbers and their amounts by playing 'feeding the dog a bone.' We also practiced using 1:1 correspondance using goldfish (pet fish) to depict amounts.

We practiced being illustrators and writers by labeling images we draw and attempting to stretch out words using letter sounds. We focused a lot of story retelling (beginning, middle, end, and characters) and identifying the parts of a book (front and back covers, title, author, illustrator), and will continue to do so throughout the semester. We are continuing to work daily on alphabet letter and sound recognition, and counting/recognizing numbers up to 20 and their amounts.

All the students and teachers enjoyed the family poster presentations from Friday, and thank you all for making one with your child to share! They will be posted outside our old classroom for you to enjoy on Monday.

Important Notes/Dates:

Friday, August 28th 3:30pm-6pm:
Movers have already begun moving some items from our current room back to out old classroom, and I will be assisting them in this process throughout the week, On Friday is the final day to move, so you will see me after school as I go back and forth between the two rooms. On this note, you will notice our current room become more and more sparse as this week comes to a close. Please be patient and understanding as we all work through this transition back!

Monday, August 31st:
Community Helper Unit for 1 More Week - contact Ms. Crowl if you would like to come in and speak with the class about what kind of job/way you help the community! We would love to hear all about your job for about 20-30 minutes.

Friday, September 4th: Weekly Show and Tell
Look for a note coming home in your child's homework folder about this weekly show and tell time!

Monday, September 7th: Labor Day Holiday
School will not be in session for this holiday, but will resume on Tues. September 8th.

Have a wonderful week, and check out some images of our work this past week below!

Ms. Crowl

 Alex Eagy's Dream Pet Illustration

Gemma's dream pet with her illustration and word label; a dog! 

Alexa's 1:1 correspondance goldfish math; 0-15. 

Bjorn's 1:1 correspondance goldfish math; 0-10. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Updates & Week 8.10-8.14

Hello Parents and Families!

This past week the kids were very busy and working hard as they learned about the individual people who help to compose a family. Below are some of the things we focused on, as well as some pictures of us working!

The kids were very focused on sorting and classifying the people who make up a family; we sorted and grouped boys vs. girls and parents vs. kids according to their attributes. We also practiced learning how to identify sizes, small, medium, and large, and then practiced sorting and categorizing figures of moms, dads, and our homes by sizes using grids and charts.  We learned how to count using 1:1 correspondance using chips and dice to recognize numbers and their amounts by playing 'feed the baby.'

We practiced building our names from letter cards, and also practiced writing and recognizing the letters that form our first names. We built some people from our family and ourselves out of corks, and also had a ton of fun playing with squishy balls, parachutes and basketballs at the gym during heat advisory days. We focused a lot of story retelling (beginning, middle, end, and characters) and identifying the parts of a book (front and back covers, title, author, illustrator), and will continue to do so throughout the semester. We are continuing to work daily on alphabet letter and sound recognition, and counting/recognizing numbers to 20 and their amounts.

This week we will be focusing on pets during literacy, math and social studies time as family as we conclude our unit on Family.

Important Dates:

Friday, August 21st 3-3:30pm:
Sharing of family posters with the class. Parents are welcome to come at this time to assist their child in sharing theirn posters and describing the members in their family. Teachers will assist children in sharing if some parents are unable to come this day.

Monday, August 24th: 
Community Helper Unit Begins for 2 weeks- contact Ms. Crowl if you would like to come in and speak with the class about what kind of job/way you help the community! We would love to hear all about your job for about 20-30 minutes. We will be learning about community helpers such as teachers, doctors, nurses, firefighters, policemen, veterinarians, construction workers, etc.

Friday, August 28th: Weekly Show and Tell Begins
Look for a note coming home in your child's homework folder about weekly show and tell time!

Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Crowl

Bjorn playing 'feed the baby' using counting dice and chips.

Bjorn playing with soccer balls in the gym. 

 Some of our cork family members by Alex Morales, Ethan, Victoria and Bjorn.

 Bjorn and Gemma playing 'feed the baby' with their chips and counting dice.

 Jonathan playing 'feed the baby' with chips and counting dice.

Isaiah and Alex Morales playing 'feed the baby' with chips and counting dice.

 Keslie playing with our 3 year old friends in the gym!

 Gemma enjoying playing with the squishy balls at the gym.

 Alex E. excited that he just made a shot into the basket!

 Ethan showing off how he can sort and categorize parents vs. kids.

 Isaiah showing me how he sorted all of the dad images by size!

Ceanna showing me how she sorted moms by size!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Take a Look at Our Class!

Hello Parents and Families!

We successfully finished the first week of school, and have had a great start to the second week. The children are doing well adjusting to out new classroom, and are enjoying spending time in the media center. This week we are finishing up practicing classroom routines, and have begun number recognition to 20 practice, practicing letters/sounds of the alphabet, as well as using charts to create and interpret data through using graphs, t-charts, and voting on things! We also have been practicing retelling the parts of a story by illustrating and expressing details about what happened in each part; the beginning, middle, and end.

Check back here often for any updates and to see photos of our classroom activities. Also, sign up in the front office to recieve the ASU Prep Phoenix schoolwide newsletter where updates and information are sent out weekly. Preschool also makes features in the newsletter on occasion!

Check out the new friends in our class below, and come back next week for more photos and news!

Ms. Crowl's 4's/5's Pre-K Class!

 Alexa Shrum

 Isaiah Lee

 Aryah Deskins

 Jonathan Garcia

 Alexander Eagy

 Ceanna Collins

 Bjorn Marzhal

 Alexander Morales

 Ethan Viseur

 Karina Pina

 Gemma Isabella Caughlan

Kelsie Sumida