Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Take a Look at Our Class!

Hello Parents and Families!

We successfully finished the first week of school, and have had a great start to the second week. The children are doing well adjusting to out new classroom, and are enjoying spending time in the media center. This week we are finishing up practicing classroom routines, and have begun number recognition to 20 practice, practicing letters/sounds of the alphabet, as well as using charts to create and interpret data through using graphs, t-charts, and voting on things! We also have been practicing retelling the parts of a story by illustrating and expressing details about what happened in each part; the beginning, middle, and end.

Check back here often for any updates and to see photos of our classroom activities. Also, sign up in the front office to recieve the ASU Prep Phoenix schoolwide newsletter where updates and information are sent out weekly. Preschool also makes features in the newsletter on occasion!

Check out the new friends in our class below, and come back next week for more photos and news!

Ms. Crowl's 4's/5's Pre-K Class!

 Alexa Shrum

 Isaiah Lee

 Aryah Deskins

 Jonathan Garcia

 Alexander Eagy

 Ceanna Collins

 Bjorn Marzhal

 Alexander Morales

 Ethan Viseur

 Karina Pina

 Gemma Isabella Caughlan

Kelsie Sumida

1 comment:

  1. Love the 1st day of school pictures. Keep up the good work Ms. Crowl
